June 4, 2015


Which specialisations of engineering will the Chartered Engineer programme cover?

In the initial period of implementing this programme, we will accept applications in the branches of engineering in Aerospace, Chemical & Process, Marine & Offshore, Environmental & Water and Systems as these have been identified as the priority disciplines in the rolling out of the Chartered Engineer Programme.

It is important to note that Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineers for the Built Environment Sector has been pioneered in the PEng (Professional Engineers) system. The Chartered Engineer programme is to complement and capture new disciplines and is not open for registration in these Built Environment Sectors.

What are the universities recognised under the programme?

Engineering undergraduate degree programs from our local universities are already accredited by the EAB (Engineering Accreditation Board) meet the graduate attributes profiles for Washington Accord Graduate, and will be acceptable academic qualifications. Other degree programs which are assessed to be substantially equivalent to the Washington Accord level will also be recognized – the list of qualifications which are recognised under the Washington Accord level can be found from the website at:


Degree programs not in the above lists will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Will Chartered Engineers be required to renew their accreditation? If so, what’s the rationale for this?

Chartered Engineers will need to maintain a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme which aims to reinforce the need for lifelong learning and to provide a framework through which could systematically maintain and enhance competency to do a job in their area of expertise. Hence, in order to keep the CEng registration, Chartered Engineers will need to renew their registration annually together with a record of their CPD.

How much will it cost for an engineer to be accredited as CEng?

The fees are as follows:

a) Application Fee: S$ 107.00

b) Annual Renewal Fee: S$ 64.20

For more information on application fee, please click here.

For more information on annual renewal fee, please click here.

Do I need to be a member of IES to be a Chartered Engineer?

You will need to be a corporate member of IES (i.e. MIES, Sr. MIES or FIES) to apply for Chartered Engineer status and maintain your Chartered Engineer status registration.

Will there be a registry for employers/clients to check if an engineer is a Chartered Engineer?

A registry of Chartered Engineers will be developed and posted on the IES web site.

Why should employers encourage their engineers to be a Chartered Engineer or prioritise Chartered Engineers in the hiring process?

Chartered Engineer status not only demonstrates a commitment to an engineer’s respective profession, but it also shows a breadth and depth of experience that has been bench marked to an internationally recognised gold standard.

Is Chartered Engineer a stepping stone to become a Professional Engineer (PE)? Or is it a separate career advancement route from PE?

In this initial period of implementation, we are targeting the CEng programme at those branches of engineering which are not available for registration as Professional Engineer. The Chartered Engineer peer review system will bring many of the engineers from these engineering disciplines and industries to an equivalent level, thus raising the bar and enhancing the status and profile of the profession.

Will Chartered Engineers fetch higher salaries than non-Chartered Engineers?

In countries where Chartered Engineer status has been established for many years, like in the UK, Chartered Engineers are typically able to command on average 20% to 40% higher salaries. (Source: IChemE Salary Survey 2012). A similar trend is expected to develop here as there is a high demand for qualified and experienced engineers here in Singapore and regionally.

How will the companies that signed the MoU support this programme? Will they support training for their existing engineering staff to become Chartered Engineers? Will they be adding Chartered Engineer status as a requirement during recruitment?

Many of the companies signing up to support the program have existing graduate and management training schemes in place for their young engineers. These can be adapted to be in line with a Chartered Engineer’s Professional Competence Plan that allows both the employees and employers to map out and measure progress on the path that will lead them to senior engineer positions and beyond. The process of becoming Chartered Engineer provides a flexible and structured pathway for graduates that can be included in the graduate training program.

In time, we foresee that employers will preferentially select Chartered Engineers for interviews during the screening process ahead of non-chartered applicants. This is similar to the finance sector. Once a candidate has attained a CFA or CPA, they are much more sought after, because they have already been peer reviewed and bench marked on a globally accepted level.